Privacy Policy
1. We want you to know that we take the matter of your personal data very seriously. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 has replaced the Data Protection Act 1998. All data held as a result of you booking here at Riscombe Farm Holiday Cottages is held in accordance with the GDPR in terms of the way it is stored, and how it is protected against loss, damage, misuse or sharing without your proper consent:
2. When you contact us, we only collect the necessary personal data to process a booking. Any card data taken over the phone is not kept after the transaction is confirmed. We are compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) in how we accept, store, process and transmit card data.
3. Most of our bookings are taken securely online on using the SuperControl booking system. SuperControl are also fully compliant with PCI DSS, store your data securely and will never contact you directly or give or sell your personal data to any third party.
4. We may ask to send you emails from time to time, but you always have the right to say no, or opt-out, and we will never, ever send you spam.
5. We do not, and will not, give or sell any of your personal data to a third party.